
About JF Derry

d2Hi! So, I’m a book author, article writer, short story scriber & poem penner. Oh, and I once collected lion semen (intentionally).

I was born near London, raised near Primrose Hill and in Lincolnshire, and studied at the Universities of Bangor, York and Edinburgh for degrees in Biochemistry, Bioelectronics and Biological Computation, and a PhD in African Ecology. Mainly working in British and African universities, but also in Spain, Brussels, Mongolia and Australia, to date, my publication history is mostly in academic journals, on aspects of computational biology, pastoralism and on Charles Darwin and evolution. However, I have also written for several national newspapers, various governments, several major record labels and independent book publishers. My fiction has appeared at the Edinburgh International Book Festival and my poetry is at the Human Genre Project. I live in Edinburgh, with my partner and our two daughters, and two cats.

About Osqualitude (the name of this blog)

This blog is eclectic, containing posts about my writing on Darwin and Darwinism, as well as music/book/film reviews, perhaps some poetry, short stories and any other subject that claims my attention.
Where did the name come from? Not sure; it’s my title for a jazzy track I once wrote and sequenced. I’ll put it up here one day and let you have a listen. Then Now you can tell me if it was a good name choice.
Listen on Audioboo

8 Responses to About

  1. srhoppe says:

    Guess the name fits, discordant but some how making sense sums them both up


  2. James Rhodes says:

    Very groovy! All about the piano solo at 1’50 though – terrific!
    Darwin would’ve been jiving along with the rest of us 🙂

  3. Pingback: The 21st Floor » Blog Archive » Rich Pickings

  4. g says:

    Hey, D, I haven’t heard this for a while! Great – love it, G

  5. Interesting blog – I enjoyed your recent articles on humour an rape. Just out of interest, have you looked up the original paper (around 1965) that invented the idea of ‘rape myths’? I has a very high citation index and, you’ll find, is based on no evidence at all. Fascinating meme, actually, even though it’s been pushed very hard politically.

  6. Knock knock. Who’s there? Rape.

  7. Rapey McRaperson says:

    Did that lion consent to you taking his semen? Or did you just hand-rape him until you’d gotten your fill?

  8. Rapey McRaperson says:

    Did that lion consent to you taking his semen? Or did you just hand-rape him until you got your fill?

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